Blood Bank

Phones: 0422-6513322 and 6563322
Bloodbank Shifted to present GYM.,
The blood bank was inaugurated on March 2, 2005;it is a combined venture of IMA Coimbatore Branch along with Freemasons of Coimbatore and Rotary Club of Coimbatore Midtown. Blood bank is under the direction of Dr.K.Raghu MD DipHaem(UK) , IMA member and Senior Consultant in Haematology of our city. Dr.N.Sarvothaman (Honorary) and Dr.Senthil Kumar(Fulltime) are the medical officers in charge of the blood bank.There are six fulltime technical and support staff in the bloodbank.
Blood bank issues about 300 units of blood every month to hospitals and nursing homes in this area. We charge lowest possible rate for a unit of blood and give concession to poor and deserving cases.In 2011 the blood bank has embarked on an expansion project, adding blood component separation facilties and new modern premises at a cost of Rs.50 lakhs.These were inaugurated on Dec 25, 2011.
The blood bank will be starting component separation after getting governmental permission .One unit of blood donated can be split into three different portions namely red cells, plasma and platelets.So three patients can benefit from one unit of blood.
Our blood bank collects lowest possible cost for one unit of blood.If the patient is really poor and deserving, blood can be issued at still lower cost namely Rs.400 .The mission of the blood bank is :SAFE BLOOD TO POOR AND NEEDY AT AFFORDABLE COST: and : TREAT BLOOD DONORS WITH RESPECT AND COURTESY:
All healthy persons between the ages of 18 and 60 can donate blood every three months.If you want to donate blood please contact us!
The trustees of the blood bank are:
1.President, IMA Coimbatore (Ex Officio), Chairman of the Board
2.Secretary, IMA Coimbatore
3.Dr.K.Rathinaswamy, Sakthy Nursing Home, Masonic Trustee
4.Mr.K.C.Manoharan ,Investment and Trading Professional, Masonic Trustee
5.Mr.S.Inderchand, Textiles Business, Treasurer and Rotary Trustee
6.Mr.B.Balchand, Business and Planter, Rotary Trustee
Honorary Technical Director:
Dr.K.Raghu MD DipHaem(UK) Consultant Haematologist, Arunodhaya Medical Centre
Goodshed Road Coimbatore 641 001 Tel:0422-2390880/6544149
The blood bank welcomes healthy and voluntary blood donors to visit the blood bank and donate!.Donor groups, corporate and educational institutions are welcome to contact us for blood donation camps .Please call Ms.Kavitha, Receptionist on 0422-6513322 or 6563322 during day time(10am to 6pm) or Mr.Arun Gokuldas, Honorary Liaison Officer-Blood Bank on 9363102419.
Public and patients requiring blood are requested to contact us with an official letter from the treating doctor or hospital.Please encourage your friends and relatives to donate blood. We always need blood donors to keep our stocks for emergencies!
( a registered Public Charitable Trust) (Blood Bank License No: 250/2005 )
“Blood is to Give as Life is to Live “
Blood bank Project was launched on 25.04.2004 by Thiru Narinder paul Singh IPS, I.G.of Police (West Zone ) Coimbatore range. In the prescence of Dr.S.R.Krishnamurthy , President Cbe Br. IMA, Dr.B.Jayaraman Hony.Secretary Cbe.Br.IMA, Rtn. PHF.Inderchand, President ,Mid Town Rotary Club, Coimbatore, V.S.Sathyamurthy ,Secretary,Mid-Twon Rotary Club, Coimbatore, W BRO Dr K Shanmugasundaram ARGM, Free Masons ,Coimbatore and Dr.K.Raghu and Dr.K.Sengottayyan, Blood Bank ,Coimbatore.
It was inaugurated on 20th February 2005 ,by Mrs Vanitha Mohan,” Siruthuli” Coimbatore in the prescence of Dr.A.Muruganathan, Dr. C.M.Abu Backer Rtn. WBro .B.K.Selvarajan
Dr.T.J.Ranaganathan President Elect. IMA
Dr.O.S.Kurinjinathan Hony.Seretary Elect IMA
Dr.K.Raghu Technical director
Dr.A.Zameer basha
W Bro R M.Shanmugam
IMA is running a non profitable blood Bank, on charitable basis since March 2, 2005 inside the IMA premises, in association with two well known organizations namely Rotary Club of Coimbatore Mid Town ,one of our oldest and premier clubs and Free Masons of Coimbatore , well known for their charity without publicity. Board of Trustees 2 from each of the above, The President and The Secretary of Coimbatore Branch of IMA and two nominated from the other two social service clubs , manage the blood Bank. It is only one of its kind in our country. Since 2007 it provides 24 hours service, throughout the year to more than 100 hospitals and nursing homes. It is running well and it issues about 300 unit s of blood every month aat present . Dr.K.Raghu, MB,MD,Dip. Haem(UK) is the Honorary Technical Director of the Blood Bank . Three Medical officers (Two honorary and one full time paid)and four qualified and experienced technical staff are working in the blood bank in addition. Since 1st February, 2007, the blood bank is in service all the 24 hours to meet the emergency of the patients. . The blood bank has added blood component separation facilities. Our Blood bank is very popular among the voluntary donors since we live up to our motto “ courtesy , respect to and faith on the life givers”. So we have hundreds of regular donors who are the life line of our blood supplies.
We, after scrupulously performing all mandatory tests, to make sure, blood is safe. We provide 300 units of blood every month at a nominal cost. If the patient is really poor they can definitely get blood free of cost with their doctor’s suitable recommendations. Our blood bank is supported by, donors’ clubs, film artists fan clubs , social activists educational institutions and corporate sectors.
1..Blood bank is working 24 hours from Feb 1,2007 and we also bleed donors at any time if they are fit-day or night.
2. Blood is supplied at a cost of Rs.600 per unit from 1 August 2008 and at a subsidized cost of Rs,400 for really poor patients if the doctor sends a written request.
3. Blood bank has plans of expansion this year into component separation and also construction of new premises. These plans are estimated to cost around Rs.40 lakhs and donations are welcome. The blood bank trust has 80 G exemption and donors will be suitably honored.
Appeal: We appeal to the philanthropic minded public of our city. Corporate sectors, service organizations, members of the medical profession and the hospitals to contribute for this worthy cause. The blood bank is for the public of our Coimbatore city, for the suffering humanity and for your patients in times of need. All contributions should be in the form of cheques/draft –in favour of “IMA Masonic Rotary Midtown Mahaveers Blood Bank Trust”. The blood bank trust has got valid 80 G facilities. The, philanthropists , public, service organizations and the members of the medical profession can help the blood bank with their contributions liberally for its expansion and to add the modern costly equipments. The donors who donate Rs. 25000/- and above will be suitably honored by their names displayed in the blood bank building along with their portraits
For Furthe information contact:
Dr.K.Raghu MD, Dip.Haem (UK),
Honorary Technical director
IMA Building, Syrian Church Road, Coimbatore -641 001.
Telephone : 0422- 6513322,6563322
Blood Bank staff on duty at anytime.
amedical staff, fine arts, sports will be conducted.
I request you all to actively participate in our activities. Kindly enroll new members and encourage others to join our family and professional security schemes. Our hall is available for functions. Members and medical associations can utilise the hall at a discounted rate. Kindly avail the facilities.
Long live IMA !