About Us

The Coimbatore Branch of Indian Medical Association
IMA remains focused on its essential reason for being – to promote the art and science of medicine and the betterment of public health.
COIMBATORE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION is one of the first Medical Association formed in the country as early as 1924. Long before the need for starting a National Medical Association was realized to be acted upon, our illustrious predecessors realized the need for such an association 90 years ago in -05.12.1924.It was registered under the Societies registration Act of 1860 on 11.02.1935 For a long time our Association was independent of the main stream but affiliated with the Head Quarters only in 1942.
This Picturesque city of Coimbatore is known to people as the industrial city but it could be regarded as the industrial and cultural capital of Tamilnadu. In this famous city our Coimbatore branch of IMA has a special place in all respects.

Numbers Speak For Ourselves!
Total Members
Formed on
Registered on
COIMBATORE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION is one of the first Medical Association formed in the country as early as 1924. Long before the need for starting a National Medical Association was realized to be acted upon, our illustrious predecessors realized the need for such an association 90 years ago in -05.12.1924.It was registered under the Societies registration Act of 1860 on 11.02.1935 For a long time our Association was independent of the main stream but affiliated with the Head Quarters only in 1942.
It is really a great pleasure and each one of us to be proud of to know that our Coimbatore Branch of IMA has completed 90 years. Inspite of the odds, the ups and downs which it has to face in the past it is marching ahead steadily. The Coimbatore Branch of IMA has the marvelous past and the glorious future. It is unique in being the first Professional Association formed in our Country and is older than our parent body, the INDIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. Its first meeting was held at the consulting room of late Dr Sanagameswara Iyer, the organizer, on 5/12/1924 with Dr.Raman Menon as its first chairman, the senior practitioner with an attendance of 16 members. We cannot forget about Dr.C.S Ramaswamy Iyer. The meetings were held in Members’ Clinics, Medical School Hall, Mosses Gnabaranam Eye Hospital and the Head Quarters Hospital. Under the societies registration Act it was registered on 11-02.1935. . To bring all the medical men in its fold, its activity was extended throughout the district of Coimbatore in 1937. The name of the Association changed from “Coimbatore Medical Association” to “Coimbatore District Medical Association”.
Since the membership of the Association was growing, the necessity for a building of its own was keenly felt. Then an application for a vacant site was forwarded to Coimbatore Municipality which was kind enough to sanction and allotted the present site at the Palm Grove Road – the present Krishnasamy Mudaliar Road – measuring 53 cents at a nominal price in March 1938 (Document no: 2879).by the keen effort of Dr C.Nanjappa – who was also the Chairman of the Coimbatore Municipality. The untiring efforts of Dr.P.N.Ramasamy Naidu, DR.N.Velappan and others should be mentioned. Also the philanthropic industrialists who came forward to help put up the building. In 1942 the association was affiliated to Indian Medical Association and named as “Coimbatore District Branch of Indian Medical Association”. The old Association Building (present Blood Bank) was constructed in three stages. A,R.C Terraced Building- the front portion in 1938. Next terraced verandahs, and lastly the Hall in continuation of the existing old building (which was demolished while building the present auditorium) in 1949 – Silver Jubilee year. An adjacent site in Western side of the former site measuring 61 cents was later obtained from Municipality (Document no 1386) on 6th May 1953 , thus totaling 114 cents “.
Coimbatore Branch of IMA conducts several memorials and Endowment Lectures . Medical personal were invited to address the members, monthly periodical meetings were/are held. Medical journals circulated to the members,
Total number of members is 2666 as on 01 April 2024
Publication for the Annual started from 1949 in addition to the usual activities.
12th South Indian Provincial conference of IMA was held in 1957
27 th Madras State Medical conference held in1974
35th Tami Nadu State Medical Conference was held in 1981
53rd Tamil Nadu State Medical Conference was held in 2001.
67th Annual State Conference was held on December, 2012
The Coimbatore Branch of IMA has distinguished itself by contributing 7 Presidents and 2 Secretaries for the State Branch and the office of the State Branch functioned at Coimabtore during two periods , from 1950-1952 and 1955 to 1960.
Now the Blood bank (Present Gymnasium) has been shifted to the free function hall & free hall
Western Lobby
The space between Meditex Hall and Auditorium is enclosed and roofed to form a hall in November 2013, Contributed by Dr J. K.Periaswamy and named as “ Western Lobby”,