Life Member Subscription
IMA is open to all the practitioners qualified in modern scientific medicine and registered under Medical Council of India Act. An application for membership of the Association is made to the Honorary General Secretary through one of the local branches and the local branch, after satisfying itself, forwards the application, to the State Branch for onward submission to the Headquarters office which finally accepts it as per the rules. The association has members attached to the Headquarters. Besides there is category of overseas members open to those of Indian colleagues who have either temporarily gone abroad, or permanently settled here. These members are kept in touch with a affairs at home , through IMA News and JIMA – the official publication of IMA,
1.Members of the Association can participate in various programmes organized by the Association and its Branches to which they belong.
2. Members have the right to attend and take part in discussion in all general, clinical meetings, lectures, demonstrations, refresher coursed etc. organized for continuing medical education by the Association.
3. Members have the right to attend medical conferences organized by the Association or any of its branches on such terms as laid down in the bye-laws.
4. Member can move the Central Council and the Working Committee of the Association to take necessary action in matters affecting the medical profession and for the health of the people.
5. Members can join study tours organized within the country or aboard for professional interaction.
6. A Scientific publication monthly Journal of the Indian Medical Association is supplied free to its members. The Journal is of high academic order and enjoys international reputation and recognition.
7. A monthly publication “IMA NEWS” is published from the Headquarters to give its members information about the activities of the Association and other news from the medial world and the same is available to the members at a nominal yearly subscription.
8. Members are stimulated to do research in various aspects of the field of medicine through its academic wings.
9. Member are eligible to compete for various awards instituted by IMA to stimulate original thinking amongst its members particularly young doctors and students.
10. The members of IMA with their families are entitled to stay at IMA Guest House when in Delhi on payment of nominal subsidized charges. This privilege is also available in cities where various Branches are hav9ing accommodation in buildings of their own.
11. Social Security Schemes for the welfare of members are being floated at State lever with the objective of providing assistance to family of members in the event of their death.
12. Post-graduate members of IMA (Ob & Gynaec.) can avail of the special laparoscopic training program & become eligible for purchase of laparoscopes at heavily subsidized rates
13. Members are eligible to procure vaccines for immunization of their patients. They can also avail of contraceptive pills and IUCDS etc. through the good offices of the IMA.
14. IMA Benevolent Fund established to help dependents. Members are even entitled to also secure loans from Benevolent Fund to meet some unpredictable exigencies.
15. IMA members through special arrangements with General Insurance Companies get special insurance covers to protect members against possible medico-legal eventuality during discharge of the their normal professional work
Life Member Subscription – Pay Now
Single Member
Subscription Amount Rs.32430
Couple Member
Subscription Amount Rs.49520