Women’s Day celebrations by WDW of IMA TNSB

Women’s Day celebrations by WDW of IMA TNSB was celebrated at IMA Coimbatore on March 10th.

The event started of with an art exhibition by children and doctors. Paintings, drawings and craft items made by them were displayed. Then Miss Prakati performed a traditional bharathanatyam dance.

Prayers were offered by branch finance secretary Dr Parameswaran, welcome address by branch president Dr Priya Karthick Prabhu, address by WDW chairman Dr Karuna and WDW secretary Dr Preethi delivered secretary’s report.  Around 30 hospital women staff were honoured by our state WDW chairman Umaiyal and Secretary Dr Kiruthika.

It was then followed by CME programs on Infertility by Dr Meenakshi, Dr Latha & Dr Ranjith and Ischemic heart disease in women by Dr Priya Karthick Prabhu.

Our state president Dr Abul Hasan delivered the chief guest’s address. Our state secretary Dr Karthick Prabhu and state assistant secretary Dr Seetharam gave their felicitations. 

Mammogram screening project for doctors and their family members was launched. Around 70 women doctors were recognised by our state president. Totally 100 people were awarded to commemorate our Centenary Year. Program was attended by around 300 plus members and family. MC was done by joint secretary Sr Srinivasan and vote of thanks by secretary Dr Sree Ramalingam.


Team IMA Coimbatore

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